The copper coin shown above is the only issue with the name and portrait of the king of that state. The mintage is not known exactly but it is extrmely low. Hence it is a very rare and valuable coin. In the year 1888 1/12 anna and 1/4 anna coin were also minted separately for both the states with the portrait of Empress Victoria. Curious coin collectors can note this small information,that in an recent auction, this small, strange looking copper coin was sold out for more than US$500 only.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Kings on Coins - Maharaja Vikram Sinh Rao, Dewas Sr. Br.
Friday, June 20, 2008
"VICTORY" Note of Philippines issued by US Govt. during WW 2
During the second world war, Japan attacked on Philippines and occupied some of their territories. Japan also attacked on USA at Pearl Harbour, which forced USA to jump in the war. Before that they had refrained from to take part in war. USA joined the Allies and later attacked with nuclear bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima cities of Japan, which literally brought an end to the war, with the victory of Allies.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
WW II Japanese Military Currency
These military currency notes were issued by Japanese government for use by military forces in Japan and other territories captured by them. Even though Japanese government had issued special notes for use in Philippines and Burma in their local currency, these military currency notes were also issued for the use by the army. Such military currency notes were issued by many countries like Japan, China, Italy, France, Germany, USA, Great Britain and other countries who particiated in World War II.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Kings on Coins - King Edward VIII, Great Britain

But outside England, coins of Edward VIII were officially struck in British territories of East Africa and West Africa without the face. These coins became very popular and pride for every coin collector. In East Africa these coins were issued in 5 penny and 10 penny denominations and in West Africa in 1 penny, half and one-tenth penny. Those coin are known as hole pennies.

Other than these no coins have been officially minted for Edward VIII. There are many other coins, but all of them are fantasy or pattern coins which have no catalog value. Collectors should be beware of them.

Here is the official design of an australian 1 dollar note which was suppose to be issued with the picture of King Edward VIII, but such notes were never printed. No banknote was ever issued bearing his name or portrait anywhere.