Indian Government has issued a commemorative on 200th anniversary of State Bank of India. It is the oldest and the largest bank of India with more than 10,000 branches all over. In British period there were 3 main banks in India - Bank of Bombay, Bank of Bengal and Bank of Madras. In 1806 all these three banks were merged to become one large bank in order to channelise the monetary system properly. This new bank was named "Imperial Bank of India" which in later years was changed to "State Bank of India".
The commemorative coin set of two coins consisting of a 100 rupee and 5 rupee coin is being minted and the 5 rupee coins will come in circulation by the last quarter of this year. A large number of indian population have years old relationship with this bank. Hope they would like to have this coin in their collection.
Thanks for shedding some light onto this often neglected country when it comes to the issue of coins. I have to admit that even on my World Coins website we have no coins from India despite having many hundreds of products available from all over Europe and the rest of the world. This may be something I should look into, thanks again!
sir i am intersted in add this coins in my collection. can you please contact me on my number 9769442531
and my name is mihir
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