15th August, 1947 was the day when India got its independence from britishers, after decades of freedom struggle.
But it was only in 1950 after republic status, India started minting it’s own coins and currency notes. Hence no coins were issued by Indian Government as legal tender money till then. But few beautiful token coins were issued which were dated 15th August 1947.
But it was only in 1950 after republic status, India started minting it’s own coins and currency notes. Hence no coins were issued by Indian Government as legal tender money till then. But few beautiful token coins were issued which were dated 15th August 1947.
The first coin above is a silver coin with the portrait of Mahatma Gandhi with the title ‘Rashtra Pita’ in hindi. It means ‘Father of the Nation’. And on the obverse side is the map of India with ‘Azad Hind’ and date of independence written on it. The special feature of this map is that the neighbouring countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma and Sri Lanka are also shown as a part of India. The other two copper-nickel coins have flag of India with ‘Jai Hind’ and independence date written on it. The difference is only in the shape of both the coins. But not much is known about where, when and by whom these coins were minted. Most probably these coins would have been minted by Bombay mint.
On 25th Anniversary of Independence in 1972, Indian government issued a 10 rupee and 50 paise coin shown shown above. 10 rupee coin had a 50% silver content and a 50 paise coin was a copper-nickel coin.

And, on 50th Anniversary of Independence in 1997, Indian government issued a 50 rupee coin with 50% silver content and 50 paise coin of steel. On both the occasions only 50 paise coin was introduced in the circulation. But, disappointingly in 1997 these coins didn’t became popular, as 50 paise coins were not much in use. Most of the Indians don’t even know whether any coin was even issued in golden jubilee year of independence. On the other hand a small country like Sri Lanka issued for circulation a bi-metallic 10 rupee coin on its 50th Anniversary of Independence in 1998.
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